Remove the WP Bakery Page Builder autoupdate notice
This is going to be a super short tutorial for those who are using any premium WordPress themes bundled with WP Bakery Page Builder plugin. Although it not necessary to purchase a separate WP Bakery license in order to get the latest update since most theme developers will include the updated version within their theme files.
Once in a while, the Visual Composer plugin will trigger a notice within your WordPress Admin dashboard asking you to purchase a license to get the latest update.
Even if you have previously dismissed this notice, after sometimes it will appears again. To stop this notice from appearing permanently, simply place the following code snippet in your theme’s functions.php file.
add_action( 'admin_head', 'ewallz_admin_css' ); function ewallz_admin_css(){ echo '<style> #vc_license-activation-notice {display:none;} </style>'; }
or other simpler way of adding custom admin css using these useful plugins:
Good Luck!
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