How to Disable Woocommerce 4 Admin Analytics

How to Disable Woocommerce 4 Admin Analytics

Recently, Woocommerce had released the so called ‘Major’ updates for its 4.0 version released. Everyone is expecting something big in the latest 4.0 update but unfortunately this new updates was simply a merger action of 2 Woocommerce plugins which are the core Woocommerce and Woocommerce Admin.

Despite of having only 3 stars, the devs team decided to merge the Woocommerce Admin plugin into the core Woocommerce WordPress plugins so that everyone who installed Woocommerce, will get the WC Admin dashboard, Analytics, and the notification bar by default, which previously only appears as an option during WC setup wizard.

Based on the active installation of the main Woocommerce & Woocommerce Admin plugins, only 1 of 5 Woocommerce shop will be utilizing the features in Woocommerce Admin such as reporting & analytics. This is mainly due to it’s resource hogging nature for smaller web hosting or simply not that many people want to integrate analytical function within their WordPress dashboard.

Luckily, there’s a way that we can disable the built-in Woocommerce Admin features that come by default in Woocommerce 4+. How to disable Woocommerce 4 Admin Analytics? simply install this new plugin from WordPress repo:

>>Disable Dashboard for WooCommerce

This plugin only contains a simple WC snippet to disable the WC Admin features and nothing else. It is totally safe to install with no other configuration needed.

Base snippet:

add_filter( ‘woocommerce_admin_disabled’, ‘__return_true’ );

Description of this plugin, extracted from official WP repo:

If you don’t like or don’t need the features introduced in WooCommerce 4.0, just activate this tiny plugin and forget about them forever. This plugin completely disables:

  • WooCommerce Admin – javascript-driven interface
  • New reports view (Analytics)
  • Notification bar

It may be a good idea for small shops to disable the features that are not being used at all.

If you want to completely get rid of this new function and clear your database, don’t forget to remove these tables from your database:

  • wp_wc_admin_note
  • wp_wc_admin_note_action
  • wp_wc_category_looku
  • wp_wc_customer_looku
  • wp_wc_order_coupon_looku
  • wp_wc_order_product_looku
  • wp_wc_order_stat
  • wp_wc_order_tax_lookup


Tips from eWallz:

  1. Always backup your website & database before updating to the latest Woocommerce 4+ to avoid any plugin conflict.
  2. Clone your site or create a staging site to test the compatibility of WC 4 with your other plugins, especially 3rd party WC plugins.

We hope that the above information is useful for you. Leave your comment below about your thoughts on the new WC 4.

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