Bulk Edit Product Images in WooCommerce

Bulk Edit Product Images in WooCommerce

Initially to achieve this purpose, we can use the Quick Product Image Upload plugin, but this plugin has not been updated for few years. Thus we recommend everyone to use the second plugin instead. Tested & working great on WordPress 5.2.4 with Woocommerce 3.7.1

1. Quick Product Image Upload

Great for product image management in WooCommerce! This plugin adds a column to the product listing in WooCommerce with links to upload and delete product images. Uses AJAX – the page does not refresh and there is no need to edit each product individually. Just click the “Set Image” link and find or upload an image. Changes are instantly reflected on front-end – no need to press “update” button. Saves a tremendous of time!

ScreenShot in action:


Get the plugin here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/quick-product-image-upload/

 2. Quick Featured Images

This is the most voted plugin to easily edit/change woocommerce product images just from within the product listing page. Simply click on the “Change Image” link and the wordpress media gallery will pops up for your to pick a new image.

Download this plugin from WP repo: https://wordpress.org/plugins/quick-featured-images/

Your time-saving Swiss army knife for managing tons of featured images within minutes: Set, replace and delete them in bulk, in posts lists and set default images for future posts.

The plugin is available in English and German (Deutsch), for the most part in Spanish (Español), Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), French (Francais), Arabic (العربية) Japanese (日本語) and Greek (Ελληνικά). It does not collect any personal data, so it is ready for EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance.

Manage featured images quickly

The plugin ‘Quick Featured Images’ helps you bulk managing featured images, setting automatic default featured images to save your time.

  1. It sets, replaces and removes featured images for hundreds of posts and pages in one go. You can run it over all contents or let it work only to desired contents by using flexible filters.
  2. It sets, replaces and removes featured images in a sortable image column in lists of posts, pages and custom post types if they support thumbnails. So you can change the images per post quickly without leaving the posts list page.
  3. It enables you to define presets for automatic default featured images for future posts as many as you need. You can set accurate rules based on post properties.
  4. It removes database entries of featured images without existing image files with a simple single click

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