Stripe Payment now Available in Malaysia
Good News for all online entrepreneurs in Malaysia! Now you can have another alternative to accept credit cards payment for you services & products…Stripe Payment Malaysia. Previously if you’re based in Malaysia and would like to signup for Stripe Account, you will have to opt for the Atlas Plan which will require you to open up a business address in US and US bank account. Everything will be handled by Stripe for a fees.
Lets see some of the best features Stripe can offer us:
Smart payment page
Get started quickly and easily with Checkout—a conversion-optimized payment page you can drop into your checkout flow. Stripe Checkout supports 13 locales out of the box and dynamically surfaces Apple Pay and Google Pay when supported. Learn more
Custom UI toolkit
Use Stripe Elements, a set of rich, pre-built UI components, to design your own custom payment form for your site. Elements are built with the collective experience of Stripe’s front-end, design, and analytics teams to help minimize user error and increase the number of successful payments. Learn more
Open-source plug-ins
Jumpstart your integration with ecommerce plug-ins that allow you to efficiently integrate payments into your store with a simple and easy setup. Various Stripe plugins and extension widely available for popular e-commerce platform such as Shopify, WordPress, Opencart, Joomla Virtuemart and many more.
And many other awesome features! Check it out Here.
Stripe Base Fee & Pricing for Malaysian Business
For business starter, the current advertised rates is good enough to start accepting credit/debit cards payment from your website.
Well…for more information, please head over to Stripe official website. We have signup ours and here how’s the dashboard looks like.
Register FREE today! And share your experience below.