How to Optimize Speed up a WordPress website

How to Optimize Speed up a WordPress website

securing & speed up wordpress


Security is vital when you want to optimize and speed up a WordPress website. Without security, your website could be hacked or contaminated with malware or viruses. To protect it, there are some steps you can take. This article will go over the best practices for keeping your WordPress website secure.

Install and configure a security plugin

Protection for your WordPress website? Security plugins are the key! They shield against malware, hackers, intrusions and other malicious attacks. Plus, most come with features like two-factor authentication, malware scanning, auto-blocking of suspicious IPs, and more. But which one is right for you? Here’s an overview of some of the most popular types:

  1. Wordfence Security: Firewall protection, malware scanner, two-factor authentication.
  2. iThemes Security Pro: Password requirements, IP address blacklisting, brute force attack detection, malware scanner, real-time backup services.
  3. Sucuri Security: Cloud-based monitoring, one-click verification for user accounts, automatic WordPress core updates.

Remember – stay up to date! That way, you can get the maximum level of protection.

Update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins

WordPress is an open-source software that constantly fixes bugs and makes improvements. It also adds new features, giving you more reasons to stay up-to-date. The latest version of WordPress has performance optimizations that can boost the speed and security of your website.

Consequently, you should keep your plugins and themes updated too. Outdated plugins or themes can put your performance and security at risk. This can be time-consuming, as updating can cause design problems or incompatibility issues with other plugins. But, these issues can usually be resolved quickly if you know what to look for. Quick patching is much faster than patching hacked files or cleaning malware.

For best practice, check for updates manually once a week from the WordPress dashboard, or use the Plugin Security Checker (WP Updates & Plugins Checker)

Set up a firewall

A firewall is a great start for website safety. It can help stop malicious requests and keep hacker bots away. Most hosting services have built-in firewalls, but if you’re self-hosting, you’ll need to set it up yourself. A firewall won’t completely protect your site, so extra steps are needed.

Use a plugin like Wordfence or Sucuri Security for WordPress-specific firewalls. These plugins have detailed security options, like IP range blocking, content blocking, and two-factor authentication (2FA). Install your security layer, then scan your source code regularly for malicious activity or suspicious files.


Struggling with a slow WordPress website? You’re not alone! In this article, let’s learn how to optimize and make your website super speedy. We’ll look at improving both the security and speed. Let’s get going!

Optimize your images

Optimizing images is vital for speed optimization. Keeping properly sized and compressed images on your website is a great way to better performance. Large, uncompressed images can greatly slow down loading speed, especially for mobile users with slower connection speeds.

To optimize size and quality quickly, we suggest using a plugin like WP Smush or EWWW Image Optimizer. These plugins will scan all your images on upload and adjust sizes accordingly. Plus they strip out any unused data from the metadata and compress them.

Don’t forget to check extra folders not managed by the WordPress Image Editor (eg. WooCommerce). Any large site images should be optimized manually, in case some poorly sized original conversions reached the live site without checking first!

Minimize HTTP requests

Reducing HTTP requests is key to having a fast website. When a browser loads a page, it asks for various files, like stylesheets, images, scripts, etc. So, fewer files mean faster loading.

It’s not easy to lower requests. It depends on the design and amount of content. To start, try to use fewer images and make sure they are the right size. You could also combine JavaScript files into one. Finally, use caching to save responses from server requests and avoid re-requesting resources every time a user visits.

Enable caching

Caching is storing pre-made versions of WordPress pages. This means the server won’t need to make them from scratch each time it gets a request. It not only boosts website speed, but also lowers hosting costs.

WordPress offers several caching plugins for free, like WP Fastest Cache, WP Super Cache, and W3 Total Cache. If you want more features, try paid services like WP Rocket or Cloudflare.

Browser-side caching won’t work unless the Content Delivery Network (CDN) supports HTTP/2 protocol. Check if yours does, before setting it up. Remember to clear the cache each time you post or change a page, so the changes appear straight away.


WordPress users, you want your webpage to be rapid! Quick page-loads boost user involvement and SEO. Here’s how to refine speed and efficiency on your WordPress website. Check it out!

Install a caching plugin

A caching plugin can help upgrade your website’s performance, security, and speed. Instead of running WordPress code every time a page loads, the plugin creates an HTML version of the page. This reduces server resources and makes the site run faster for repeat visitors.

Check the big three: W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, and WP Rocket. They have powerful options to make WordPress sites faster. You may need to install other plugins or add custom code. Read reviews of these caching solutions. Choose the one that suits your setup & budget.

Once installed correctly, caching solutions can quickly reduce page load times. This makes them a must-have for any WordPress website needing a performance boost.

Use a content delivery network

CloudFlare is an awesome CDN to use on WordPress websites. It’s a network of servers spread around the world. When you enable it, CloudFlare caches static resources like JavaScript, CSS, images, and HTML. So visitors get their content faster! Plus, performance and loading times improve.

It also helps protect your site from malicious attacks, like DDoS and malware. And, by using a CDN, pressure is taken off the primary web hosting server. This makes it harder to be hacked or contaminated with malware.

Optimize your database

Your database stores all of your website’s posts, pages, comments and other data. An inefficient database can slow down your WordPress website.

To optimize it:

  • Keep it clean. Delete spam comments, old post revisions and other useless data.
  • Optimize tables. Use WP-Optimize plugin or phpMyAdmin to identify fragmented tables and defragment them. This will help speed up complex queries.
  • Protect from malicious code. Update plugins regularly to protect against security breaches. Also, use scanners such as Sucuri Security Pro to detect malware infections.


Website owners, pay attention! Performance and security are two essential things to watch out for. If you find your WordPress website is sluggish or hacked, it’s time to tackle the problem.

Here are a few tips and tricks to optimize and speed up your site and protect it from being hacked or infected with malware:

Check for malware and hacked files

Has your website been slow recently? Or has strange activity started happening? If so, it’s possible a hacker has accessed your site. To stay safe, scan for malware and hacked files.

To do this, you need a security plugin like Sucuri Security or Wordfence. These plugins are free and reliable, with great features to make sure your website is secure. With the plugins, you can check your core files against malicious threats. You can also scan your directories via FTP or SFTP connections, to search for suspicious activities.

The plugins have malware removal tools and blacklist monitoring services. This keeps unwanted content like SPAM ads and virus signatures away from your site. You can also block IP addresses of hackers or malicious bots from accessing certain files. It’s important to keep the plugin version up-to-date and apply security patches when needed. That way, your website is resistant to new types of attacks.

Monitor your website for errors

It’s critical to monitor your website. Look out for 404 errors and pages that won’t load correctly. Check your server latency too; slow loading times can quickly hurt the performance of your site.

Use SiteCheck to scan the directory structure of your website. It’ll alert you if there are any vulnerabilities or malicious files. You can stay secure by doing routine scans with SiteCheck.

UnderAttack Monitor is another great way to monitor your website. It sends real-time alerts if malicious files are found or if someone tries to hack into your site. UnderAttack also monitors for bot activity to protect against DDoS attacks. Finally, integrate anomaly detection software so you’re alerted if your site is hacked or affected by malware.

Take a proactive approach and regularly scan/monitor your website and server. This way, you can ensure it stays secure and performs well on WordPress.

Test your website for speed and performance

Testing your WordPress website should be a regular task. Slow loading times can cause people to leave. Doing this will help conversions.

  • Check the load time. Pingdom can tell you how quickly it’s loading.
  • Look at the Content Delivery Network (CDN). Webpagetest can let you compare results from multiple locations.
  • Monitor Database Performance. Use tools like New Relic or Munin. They will give insights into how queries and connections between servers are performing. This will help diagnose any slowdowns and make changes before it affects visitors’ experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How can I speed up my WordPress website?

A. There are several ways to speed up your WordPress website, including optimizing your images, reducing the number of plugins, and using a caching plugin. Additionally, make sure your website is secure and protected from malware and hackers.

Q. What security measures should I take to protect my WordPress website?

A. To protect your WordPress website, make sure you’re using strong passwords, installing security plugins, and keeping your WordPress and plugins updated. Additionally, it’s best practice to use an SSL certificate, which will encrypt your website traffic.

Q. How do I know if my WordPress website has been hacked?

A. If your WordPress website has been hacked, you may experience a sudden drop in website traffic, strange messages or content appearing on your website, or your website being blocked by search engines. If you suspect your WordPress website has been hacked, it’s best to reach out to a security expert.

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